The Food Factor Podcast

The Food Factor Podcast

Hosted by: Stephanie Machacek, MS, CNS

The show that combines nutrition, lifestyle, science, and food pattern changes to help you make the best choices for the health of you and your family.


Ep 87- The Science Behind How Food Choices Shape Your Health

Season #1

How does food actually impact your health? We all kind of know that we need to eat "healthy" but what does that mean and does that really have as big of an impact on your symptoms as you think? The term "gut health"...
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Ep 86- Replay- One of the biggest dietary contributors to high blood pressure

Season #1

High blood pressure is a common diagnosis in the U.S. If you haven't been diagnosed, chances are you know someone who has been. Many people don't even KNOW they have it! Having undiagnosed or untreated high blood...
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Ep 85: - Unpacking weight struggles- 4 key pillars that contribute to weight gain.

Season #1

Weight loss struggles is nothing new.Ā Millions of people in the U.S. struggle with their weight and the weight loss industry is booming with no end in sight. What if we looked deeper than just "calories in vs calories...
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Ep 84- Do you need a nutrition reset? One client's story of making simple changes that had huge results.

Season #1

Have you ever thought, "I need to start over with my diet." or "I just need to reset my eating habits". I've heard that said many times when starting to work with clients and I want to share one client's story about...
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Ep 83- "I can go all day without eating"- The underlying cause of appetite changes

Season #1

Have you said this or heard a friend/family member sayĀ  "I just never feel hungry" or "I could go all day without eating"? Going all day without feeling hungry is a potential sign of trouble within your body. Certain...
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Ep 82- Nutrition strategies: The 1-2 punch when it comes to battling inflammation.

Season #1

Do you have high blood pressure? High cholesterol? Asthma? Depression? Gut issues? Joint or muscle pain? Headaches? If you said yes to any of these there is a high chance you have some chronic inflammation. Through...
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Ep 81- Replay- Are you a fast eater?

Season #1

Do you "inhale" your food? Have you felt guilt or embarrassment when eating because you are always the first one finished? Have you tried to slow down your eating previously but weren't successful? If you think...
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Ep 80- Mental Roadblocks to Wellness: Overcoming brain barriers to health success

Season #1

Have you ever blamed yourself or your "willpower" when you don't achieve a goal? Maybe you "fall off the diet wagon" and say, "I just don't have the willpower to stick with it". What if that wasn't the case? What if...
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79- Ultra Processed: Friend or Foe?

Season #1

The term "ultra-processed" foods is becoming a buzz word all over the internet. Like anything, there are many opinions and theories out there around just how "good" or "bad" these foods are for our health. Are they...
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Ep 78- Snack attack: Healthy Snacking Tips for Kids (and adults)!

Season #1

"Can I have a snack?" If you have kids at home you may hear this question MULTIPLE times per day. Many parents cringe at the thought of trying to find a healthy snack for their kids. Do kids actually need snacks? What...
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Ep 77- Your brain on nutrition: A holistic approach to brain health

Season #1

1 in 6 people will develop a brain-related illness or issue. With that staggering statistic, it's time we look at the relationship between what we eat and our brain. From dementia, to depression, to Alzheimer's...
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Ep 76- B, please! B-vitamin breakdown from B1-B12.

Season #1

What are B vitamins and are they really all that important? You may have heard of different B vitamins like B12, B6, or maybe other names such as niacin or riboflavin but do you really need to worry about getting...
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