Ep 90: Cutting through nutrition confusion: Redefine your nutrition identity

Season #1

They're coming! All the weight loss products, gimmicks, teas, potions, lotions, and cleanses. It's inevitable this time of year. These ads add to the confusion that is already out there about nutrition and how we should eat. There's so much noise and it puts us in a state of option overload!

But what if you have health concerns? What if you've been diagnosed with a condition and want to know how to eat to support your body? What if you are having symptoms that require you to eat a different way but there's a million websites that are all saying something different and you just don't know what to do? Let's talk about it and cut through the noise!

In this episode we talk about:

- Why we are all confused about nutrition.

- What is your food identity?

- Why simply changing your nutrition actions doesn't last.

- Key questions to ask yourself so that you get clear on what you need to do in order to start making progress on your health and nutrition.


Mentioned in this episode:

- Schedule a free 20 minute consultation HERE!


More fun stuff:

- The ULTIMATE Smoothie Guide- CLICK HERE

- Free Lunchbox Generator handout! Click HERE to learn how to add balance to your lunchboxes.

- The Student Athlete Nutrition Guide. Click HERE to purchase.




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