Ep 88: Immune power: The Role of Fat-Soluble Vitamins and Nutrient Combinations

Season #1

What does dietary fat have to do with your immune system? What happens when someone has a low fat diet? Are there certain nutrients that need fat to be absorbed?

Having dietary fat in your meals is important for a number of reasons but in this episode we talk about it from a nutrient absorption perspective. We are heading into cold and flu season and "immune boosting" products are everywhere. What does eating enough fat have to do with the immune system and what foods can you get more of in order to improve your body's defense system?

In this episode we talk about:

- Macronutrients vs micronutrients

- Fat-soluble vs water-soluble nutrients

-Why certain nutrients need other nutrients to absorb better

- How to use ingredient combinations to maximize absorption.


Mentioned in this episode:

- Join the Sleigh the Season Wellness challenge- Click HERE

- Carrot and Ginger Soup Recipe- Click HERE

- Schedule a free 20 minute consultation HERE!


More fun stuff:

- The ULTIMATE Smoothie Guide- CLICK HERE

- Free Lunchbox Generator handout! Click HERE to learn how to add balance to your lunchboxes.

- The Student Athlete Nutrition Guide. Click HERE to purchase.




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