Ep 74- Eating on your own- Nutritional guidance for college kids

Season #1

It's almost time for colleges to start opening up the doors for a new batch of students to come. Although back to school can be exciting, for those starting out on their own in college, it can also be a time of uncertainty. When it comes to nutrition, the first year of college can be chaotic! From new food schedules, to skipping meals, to stress eating, there can be a lot going on. Let's spend some time talking about some nutritional deficiencies I see in college kids, how to make healthy food in a dorm work for you, and how to eat healthy on a budget.

In this episode I talk about:

- Why nutrition during this time is important.

- Common nutritional deficiencies I see in college-age students.

- Signs and symptoms you can look out for to spot your own nutritional imbalances.

- A simple way to eat balanced in the cafeteria.

- Tips on how to find the best quality foods at the lowest price when on a tight budget.


Mentioned in this episode:

- Click HERE to download the free guide- Nutrition for College Students!

- Here is the popcorn popper I mentioned found on Amazon-- Click HERE

- Schedule a free consultation HERE!


More fun stuff:


- The Student Athlete Nutrition Guide. Click HERE to purchase.

- Meal Planning Guide- free download

- The ULTIMATE Smoothie Guide- Click HERE


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