Ep 60- How to get your digestion back on track- Replay episode

Season #1

Do you have digestive issues? In this replay episode, we discuss the basics when it comes to why digestion can be thrown off and what to do about it. Tummy troubles, gas, bloating, constipation, and acid reflux can all be signs that your gut is struggling. For many this can be a constant problem with no end in sight. For others it may just happen every now and then. Either way, there are some things to consider and actions to take.

In this episode I cover some basics when it comes to digestive health. We are going to talk about:

  • Digestion and absorption- what this actually is and common issues that can occur.
  • Transit time and what having a fast or slow transit time means- also a way to gauge your own time.
  • One common myth I hear A LOT when it comes to digestive health- maybe you do this?

And finally, action steps you can take to get your digestion back on track. So letā€™s do this!


Resources mentioned in this episode:

Schedule a free consultation HERE!


More fun stuff:


- Hidden sources of sugar- free download

- Meal Planning Guide- free download

- The ULTIMATE Smoothie Guide- Click HERE

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